Prof Jim Hall
Newcastle University
July 2009 to June 2012
AIM: To provide system-scale understanding of the inter-relationships between climate impacts, the urban economy, land use, transport and the built environment and to use this understanding to design cities that are more resilient and adaptable.
- To develop methods for generating of city-scale climate change scenarios that are consistent with UKCP09.
- To develop and demonstrate new methods to analyse the interactions between climate impacts and the regional and urban economy.
- To analyse the relationship between the spatial configuration of cities and their resilience to climate impacts.
- To provide decision support tools for adaptation of urban areas, and to work with stakeholders to demonstrate how these tools can be used to develop strategies for transitions to resilience at a city scale.
Main project outcomes:
- a more complete understanding of the scope, nature and scale of climate-related risks at the city-scale (focused on London),
- a practical methodology for risk assessment and appraisal of adaptation options in urban areas
- the comparison of adaptation options to help make the economic case for adaptation.
Final dissemination
- Methodological overview of the project
- Weather Generator
- Impact and adaptation case studies
- Economic modelling
- Land-use and transport modelling
- Outcomes and key messages
- Summary, follow-on projects and next steps
Factsheet summaries
- The Urban Integrated Assessment Framework (pdf, 810 KB)
- A new spatial weather generator for urban areas (pdf, 480 KB)
- Modelling future population and employment (pdf, 750 KB)
- Transport Model (pdf, 490 KB)
- An Economic Model to assess indirect economic impacts (pdf, 580 KB)
- Heat related mortality and adaptation options (pdf, 510 KB)
- Heat related residential discomfort and adaptation options (pdf, 440 KB)
- Heat related impacts on tube passenger discomfort (pdf, 530 KB)
- Economic costs of rail buckle events (pdf, 680 KB)
- London’s adaptation governance (pdf, 350 KB)
- All fact sheets in a single file (pdf, 3.1 MB)