Land of the MUSCos: Multiple-Utility Service Companies

December 2011 to November 2014

Dr Julia K Steinberger, University of Leeds

Aim:To investigate the potential for a change in infrastructure operation away from supply of unmanaged demand and towards resource-efficient service delivery. This will be done for multiple infrastructure streams; through Multi-Utility Service Companies or MUSCos.


  • The investigation of multi-utility service arrangements, including the technical challenge of defining integrated services with possible substitutability of utility streams to satisfy the service demand.
  • The survey of the governance landscape, regulatory and incentive structures of the different utilities, producers, distributors and other connected actors, to map the drivers, motivations and constraints of the current entities; and
  • The combination of these two streams of information into an integrated socio-technical model using the rules and inter-linkages defined in the previous components and capable of exploring future governance and technical scenarios.
  • The development of a “MUSCo charter” outlining the most important steps towards resource-efficient and service-focused infrastructure operation, to be debated and adopted by stakeholders and decision-makers.