June 2007 to December 2010
Prof Michael Davies, University College London
AIM: To understand the impact of local climate on energy use, comfort and health.
- To develop new tools to model and interpret the impact of local climate in urban areas.
- To evaluate the impacts of local temperature on comfort and energy use in buildings.
- To evaluate the impacts of local temperature and air quality on health.
April 2011 Conference output:
- LUCID presentation – Mike Davies (pdf, 6.9 MB)
- LUCID presentation – Matt Thomas (pdf, 13.9 MB
September 2010 Joint stakeholder/researcher forum:
- LUCID poster (pdf, 2 MB)
Book chapter
- Davies M., Steadman J.P. and Oreszczyn T., (2009), Urban Climate and Built Environment, Chapter in Mumovic D., Santamouris M. (ed.), A Handbook of Sustainable Building Design and Engineering. ISBN: 978-1-84407-596-6.
- Kolokotroni M., Davies M., Croxford B., Bhuiyan S. and Mavrogianni A., (2010), A validated methodology for the prediction of heating and cooling energy demand for buildings within the Urban Heat Island: case-study of London, Solar Energy, 84 (2010) 2246–2255.
- Mavrogianni A., Davies M., Batty M., Belcher S.E., Bohnenstengel S.I., Carruthers D., Chalabi, Z., Croxford B., Demanuele C., Evans S., Giridharan R., Hacker J.N., Hamilton I., Hogg C., Hunt J., Kolokotroni M., Martin C., Milner J., Rajapaksha I., Ridley I., Steadman J.P., Stocker J., Wilkinson P. and Ye Z., (2010), The comfort, energy and health implications of London’s urban heat island. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology. In press.
- Hamilton I.G., Summerfield A., Steadman J.P., Stone A. and Davies M., (2010), Zero Carbon Communities? Exploring energy integration between new and existing developments. Building Research and Information, 38:6, 593–609.
- Hunt, J.C.R., Bohnenstengel, S.I., Belcher , S.E. and Y. Timoshkina: Implications of Climate change for expanding cities worldwide, Urban design & planning journal. In press.
- Mavrogianni A., Davies M., Wilkinson P. and Pathan A., (2010), London housing and climate change: Impact on comfort and health. Open House International. 35(2) 583–597.
- Mavrogianni A., Chalabi Z., Davies M. Wilkinson P., Kolokotroni M. and Milner J., (2009), Space heating demand and heatwave vulnerability: London domestic stock. Building Research and Information, 37(5) 583–597.
- Porson A., Clark P. A., Harman I. N., Best M. J., Belcher S.E., (2010), Implementation of a new urban energy budget scheme in the MetUM. Part I: Description and idealized simulations. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Part B, Volume 136, Issue 136(651) 1514–1529.
- Porson A., Clark P. A., Harman I. N., Best M. J., Belcher S.E., (2010), Implementation of a new urban energy budget scheme into MetUM. Part II: Validation against observations and model intercomparison. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Part B, 136(651) 1530–1542.
- Grimmond C.S.B., Blackett M., Best M.J., Barlow J., Baik J-J., Belcher S.E., Bohnenstengel S.I., Calmet I., Chen F., Dandou A., Fortuniak K., Gouvea M.L., Hamdi R., Hendry M., Kawai T., Kawamoto Y., Kondo H., Krayenhoff E.S.,