Heavy rain

Tag: Defences

Damp, moisture and mould

UCL Centre for Moisture in Buildings


Buildings are exposed to multiple water sources, such as rain, ground water and flooding on the outside, and breathing, cooking, showering, water leaks and many other activities inside. The UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings focuses on the causes, mechanisms and solutions to moisture problems. Research is now an urgent requirement for this country, its building owners and occupiers, and the construction (and maintenance) industry.

Research Council: Various

Flood MEMORY: Multi-Event Modelling Of Risk & recoverY

Newcastle University

January 2013 – May 2016

This project is of broader interest to business – uncovering how coasts (beaches, dunes and engineered defences) and rivers behave during storms. Of particular interest is the effect of previous storms and floods moving sediment (ie shingle, sand and river bed material) so that the beach or river is in a different (perhaps weaker) condition when a second flood event arrives. The movement of sediment is difficult to predict as it mostly happens during storms, so our knowledge of these processes is currently lacking.

Research Council: EPSRC

Green roof research

University of Sheffield

A project with particular relevance for SMEs, it explore stormwater management and prediction of the runoff response from a green roof for any arbitrary rainfall time series.

Research Council: Other

Impact of type of building on drying time

University College London


Risk exposure reduction and preparedness measures inevitably vary with the nature of the SME business. SMEs returning to premises after a flood event have to go through short-term emergency reaction, and prioritisation of remediation. Flood damage to such premises can hinder recovery, for instance, the type and construction of a building may significantly alter its ability to dry during a flood. There are also health risks to operating in damp, flooded buildings.

Research Council: EPSRC

Is there a lack of faith in flood protection?

Kingston University


A problem in flood management is a lack of faith in the means of providing protection from floods (e.g. flood resistant barriers) and a resulting fear that the use of untested and potentially unreliable measures will increase anxiety rather than reduce it. People are often happy to rely on insurance for the mitigation of flood risk even though it does little to protect them from the disruption caused by a flood and normally only reimburses a portion of the financial losses incurred. Similarly, although sandbags are relatively ineffective, their use is so strongly associated with floods that they remain the most favoured means of flood protection.

Research Council: Other

Retrofitting Resilience

University of Cambridge

October 2013 – October 2017

Property-level adaptation: With an increasing number of properties at risk of flooding, we urgently need to assess the resilience of buildings and consider the consequences and benefits of adaptation. The research aims to: develop new tools and techniques for the assessment, data gathering, communication and visualisation of flood risk; more rigorously understand the consequences of flood events; consider the temporal aspects of resilience; and explore the value of using scenario testing within a mixed-method research framework.

Research Council: EPSRC

Safe & SuRe: towards a new paradigm for urban water management

University of Exeter

March 2013 – August 2018

Property level surface water management:

  • What measures can you apply to your own property? James Webber
  • Achieving resilience to extreme events through effective emergency planning – Sarah Bunney

Research Council: EPSRC

SME Guidance – organisational operational response and strategic decision making for long term flood preparedness in urban areas

University of Sheffield

December 2012 – June 2016

In conjunction with SMEs, this business guidance was developed to help prepare for and respond to the impacts of flooding in a handy checklist format. This guidance recommends ‘business continuity buddies’ for SMEs to prepare for the next flood; not if, but when!

Research Council: EPSRC

Climate scenarios in decision-making for adaptation of building and property drainage (DOWNPIPE)

Heriot-Watt University

October 2008 – September 2011

To realise potential benefits to property drainage design and adaptation by using projections of our future climate (UKCP09). This will allow the location and extent of any under-capacity to be identified and adaptation solutions proposed to reduce flood risk.

Stakeholder involvement in the development of flood risk management intervention options

University of Nottingham


This project promotes advancing stakeholder participation beyond consultation, which offers a range of benefits for local flood risk management. It is critical for businesses to be involved and make the most of working with stakeholders.

Research Council: EPSRC