Installation, management, and maintenance of disparate utility systems has created a very complex network of infrastructure. How could this be simplified?
Tag: Energy
RESNET: Resilient Electricity Networks for Great Britain
Analysing climate-related changes in the reliability of the UK’s electricity system and developing tools to quantify the value of adaptations.
ARIES: Adaptation and Resilience in Energy Systems
ARIES aims to deliver a comprehensive risk framework to assess and manage UK energy system resilience to climate change.
ARCoES: Adaptation and Resilience of Coastal Energy Supply
Providing evidence and guidance to aid adaptation to the consequences of climate change at the coast, enhancing the resilience of coastal energy supply.
ITRC: The UK Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium
ITRC has developed a new generation of system simulation models and methods to inform analysis, planning and design of national infrastructure in the energy, transport, water, waste and telecoms sectors.
CLUES: Challenging lock-in through urban energy systems
Decentralising energy systems in urban areas to aid national decarbonisation and urban sustainability goals.