Newcastle University
October 2008 – March 2012
This project assessed and improved the computer modelling of flood flows that can adapt to local topography and obstruction, efficiently generating accurate solution even where the flow is very complex. This will mean that very accurate simulation can be applied at a range of different scales (from small to very large), including broad scale interactions of flood flow. This adaptive model is applied simulate large-scale real world flood scenarios. Particularly, the model will allow simulation of very large scale flood inundation (e.g. the whole Thames Estuary area) whilst also resolving the effect of local flows at flood defences. This research is for the benefit of engineering consultants and insurance business involving assessment and management of flood risk. The Environment Agency and local authorities will benefit in that larger scale flood simulation and related risk analysis resulting from this work will provide further information for better flood risk management and alleviation. This will in turn benefit the general public in terms of flood risk reduction and improved communication of flood risk.
Research Council: EPSRC